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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2011

Anthropology (Biological), Tulane Guess the GRE just wasnt high enough...

Added on March 03, 2011

Rejected on 24 Feb PhD
Anthropology (cultural), Tulane University What a bummer... 1st Rejection... I totally identify with all of you guys out there! Im still waiting on two hopeful programs, and I have an acceptance from my two backup schools so Im not devastated, but still...

Added on March 02, 2011

Rejected on 2 Mar American GPA 3.98 PhD
Statistics, Tulane University

Added on March 02, 2011

Accepted on 2 Mar International Masters
AMSC Applied Mathematics, Tulane University First reject in my life, but I already have one offer. Keep going and god bless

Added on March 01, 2011

Rejected on 1 Mar International PhD
Architecture (M. Arch 1), Texas A&M University (TAMU) First Acceptance!! Waiting to hear from UT, WashU, and Tulane.

Added on March 01, 2011

Accepted on 1 Mar American GRE 650 GRE V 600 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.30 Masters

February 2011

Classics, Tulane University Recommended for tuition remission and waiting to hear about additional funding

Added on February 28, 2011

Accepted on 28 Feb International GRE 590 GRE V 590 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.30 Masters
Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago FML! 0/2 but really 0/10. Assuming rejection from Utah, Rice Nebraska, Oklahoma, FSU, and Calgary. Officially rejected from G'town and Loyola and accepted WITHOUT funding from Tennessee and Albany (waitlisted for funding on both). Still have Bowling Green, Tulane, North Texas, Mich. St and Kansas. I've been funded for the last two years at an M.A. finished up with a 3.96 gpa. Again, FML!!!!

Added on February 27, 2011

Rejected on 26 Feb American PhD
Epidemiology, Tulane University

Added on February 26, 2011

Rejected on 26 Feb American PhD
Biomedical Engineering (BME), Tulane University

Added on February 23, 2011

Accepted on 18 Feb PhD
Biomedical Engineering, Tulane University

Added on February 23, 2011

Accepted on 18 Feb American PhD
Epidemiology, Tulane University

Added on February 22, 2011

Accepted on 22 Feb American GRE 750 GRE V 710 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.90 PhD
Epidemiology, Tulane University phone interview

Added on February 21, 2011

Interview American PhD
Spanish & Portuguese, Tulane University

Added on February 18, 2011

Wait listed International PhD
Art History, University Of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Informed by my POI that I, unfortunately, was not on the admittance list. Also, she told me that only 1 Latin Americanist was accepted and that letters will be sent soon. Congratulations to that one Latin Americanist! Tulane, UT Austin, UNM, and Boulder left.

Added on February 16, 2011

Rejected on 16 Feb American PhD
Epidemiology, Tulane

Added on February 15, 2011

Interview American PhD
Spanish & Portuguese, Tulane University Email from dgs to schelduce interview tuesday or thruesday

Added on February 11, 2011

Other International GRE 680 GRE V 580 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.26 PhD
Epidemiology, Tulane University

Added on February 11, 2011

Accepted on 26 Jan American GRE 690 GPA 3.20 Masters
CCC Sociology, Tulane University

Added on February 04, 2011

Accepted on 1 Feb American PhD

January 2011

International Health, Tulane University

Added on January 27, 2011

Accepted on 24 Jan American Masters
Public Health, Tulane University E-mail from potential advisor

Added on January 26, 2011

Interview American PhD

Results 1201 - 1220 of 1320