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Recent Graduate Admission Results July 2024

Physics, The University Of Delaware Finally received my University of Delaware rejection. I was rejected by all 18 programs that I applied to this year. I’m a physics and mathematics double major, graduated with honors and a 3.95 GPA. I have four years of experience as a research assistant in experimental particle physics, and two as a research assistant in applied condensed matter physics. I attended three REU programs, presented at two undergraduate research symposia, attended one APS meeting, and published two papers (well, one has only been submitted). I’ve contributed significantly to several open source computational physics software projects, and software written by myself has been used in published research conducted by faculty and students at three separate institutions. I was awarded one external graduate fellowship. I’m nine months and a few hundred applications into my job search and have only had two interviews. I’ve accepted a fast food position and guess I’ll save up so that I can re-apply to graduate programs this or next fall.

Added on July 02, 2024

Rejected on 2 Jul Fall 2024 American GPA 3.95 PhD

June 2024

Art History, York University AVOID this program and their faculty at all cost. They just want your money for the application fee and ghost you without explaining anything.

Added on June 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Jun Fall 2024 International GPA 4.00 PhD

May 2024

Physics And Astronomy, University Of Kansas I received my acceptance via email, but the portal hasn't been updated yet. I applied on a rolling basis, and the contact person was very supportive. They even opened the portal just for me for about 15 minutes so I could apply after completing all the required documents. After dealing with numerous rejections and feeling hopeless, this acceptance was a huge relief. It was the second-to-last application I was waiting to hear back from.

Added on May 22, 2024

Accepted on 21 May Fall 2024 International GPA 3.76 PhD
Linguistics, University Of Wisconsin-Madison Rejected off the waitlist. They did not notify me at all; I had to log into the portal to find it. The notification says "5/10/2024 2:29:10 PM We are sorry to inform you that you have not been admitted to the Graduate School at UW-Madison."

Added on May 14, 2024

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2024 American PhD
Social Work, University Of Chicago No email - logged into portal to check and was accepted. Submitted app 3/23, all letters turned in 4/1. Scholarship offer as part of acceptance but COA too high, will not be attending!

Added on May 14, 2024

Accepted on 10 May Fall 2024 American GPA 3.50 Masters
Communication And Culture, York University So excited while almost losing all the hopes

Added on May 13, 2024

Accepted on 9 May Fall 2024 Other PhD
Simulation Sciences, RWTH Aachen The admission committee says that I don't have enough credits and subjects to cover all prerequisites. This is really strange because I did in fact fulfill all the prerequisites. I think it really depends on your luck whether you will be getting an admit or not. Please don't keep this programme as your only as you will be most probably disappointed. Apply to FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, TU Munich, TU Dresden and University of Rostock apart from RWTH Aachen so that you will have more options.

Added on May 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 May Fall 2024 International GPA 3.40 Masters
Architecture, McGill University Inhuman. McGill has made all Canadian applications that are still pending despite they mention if you have not heard back yet, it means you are either rejected or waitlisted. They mention they already sent out 4ish offers and if you haven't heard yet then suggest go elsewhere. Seriously? If you are rejected then send the freaking result as to not make the applicants keep their hopes or waiting. There is huge difference between rejected (zero chance) and waitlisted. Just a horrible school even when there is that tuition increase for out of Quebec providence politic happening. Sad Sad Sad and Disrespectful. Their reputation will forever be damaged as words will go around how they treated applications this year.

Added on May 03, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 Other GPA 3.80 Masters

April 2024

Clinical Psychology, Vander Prat Institute When you've waited about 4 years for 2022 and then you get rejected, alas. All that pychological work in deep south failed.

Added on April 30, 2024

Rejected on 30 Apr Spring 2024 International PsyD
Evolutionary Biology, Vanderugly Institute First round, beat all cuz I have the ugliest pair of blue eyes ever

Added on April 30, 2024

Accepted on 30 Apr Spring 2024 International PhD
History, University Of California, Santa Barbara Welp, that's probably it for me. Thanks to all you compsci and STEMlord majors who helped killed humanities departments across the nation, I hope you enjoy your collapsing job and wage prospects.

Added on April 29, 2024

Rejected on 29 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
Physics, University Of California, Santa Barbara AMO-experimental. I wish they could've let us know sooner. Hadn't had luck with any school this cycle. Congrats to all who made it!

Added on April 29, 2024

Rejected on 29 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
Anthropology, University Of California, Berkeley Sociocultural track. All education from outside of US. Over the moon to say the least!!

Added on April 28, 2024

Accepted on 27 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
Architecture, McGill University Ignore Status. Has anyone heard back or been accepted for this program yet? My application says its still in review, does this mean im waitlisted? ive heard back from all the other universities I've applied too except for this.

Added on April 27, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 Other Masters
Electrical And Computer Engineering, University Of British Columbia Well, 7+ months of wait and finally a rejection. No international applications has gotten an admit so far (all got rejected). Heard unofficially from a UBC International Undergrad there, that, all the domestic got their admits during March. Even herself got rejected. So, I don't know. Thanks UBC, for teaching us the most important lesson in life, patience.

Added on April 26, 2024

Rejected on 25 Apr Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 155 GPA 3.78 Masters
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University IELTS 7. After all this time, I am too disappointed :((

Added on April 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.49 PhD
Communication Disorders, Vander Prat Institute No matter how hard I try, including means of coercion, got rejected from "franship". It's all too obvious.

Added on April 26, 2024

Accepted on 26 Apr Fall 2024 International PhD
Law, Vander Pratt Institute Only took me 3 years to understand and master the concept of justice. Philosophers are all a bunch of idiots spending years trying to understand justice, writing books, and what not. I have no doubt the world's a shitshow when the law is in the hands of monkeys.

Added on April 24, 2024

Accepted on 24 Apr Fall 2024 International JD
Physics And Astronomy, University Of Utah All decisions for the University of Utah went out like a month ago but for some reason, I think I fell through the cracks. This wasn't unexpected, just frustrating that they didn't send me something sooner.

Added on April 24, 2024

Rejected on 24 Apr Fall 2024 American GPA 3.70 PhD
Clinical Psychology, Fielding Graduate University I have been using GradCafe on and off since 2013 throughout my process of applying & earning two master degrees....can finally say BYE GradCafe! Will be Accepted the offer :) Good luck to all!

Added on April 24, 2024

Accepted on 15 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD

Results 1 - 20 of 24863