Graduate School Admission Results

About 235 results

School Program Added On Decision
George Washingon University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 142
GRE V 159
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.42
Texas Womans University (TWU)
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov

Accepted from the waitlist!!

University of Northern Iowa
Communication Disorder/ Speech Language Pathologyrder/ Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov

Taken off the waitlist.

The University of Utah
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 154
GRE V 151
GRE AW 3.50
GPA 3.70
Northern Arizona University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 154
GRE V 151
GRE AW 3.50
GPA 3.90
University of Oregon
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 154
GRE V 151
GRE AW 3.50
GPA 3.90
George Washington University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 158
GRE V 155
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.83

Applied on 1/5/17, strong LOR, work and research experience in field

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 158
GRE V 155
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.83

Strong LOR, work and research experience

ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park (UMD)
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Portal was changed to Under Graduate School Review this morning... freaking out and hoping for the best! To those who did not get in to the UMD SLP program - do you mind posting your stats? Thanks so much - I really appreciate it!

The University of Memphis
CCDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language Hearing Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
University of Wisconsin-Madison
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 158
GRE V 155
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.83

Strong LOR, research and work experience, GPA- 3.83, congrats to everyone accepted!

North Carolina Central University
Communication Sciences And Disorder, Speech Language Pathology Disorder, Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov

I will not be accepting this offer, due to being accepted into a different program that was my first choice! Good luck to everyone :)

Seattle University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 158
GRE V 155
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.83

One of my top picks, so a little disappointed! Congrats to those accepted.

Portland State University
CCDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language Hearing Sciene Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov

Second tier waitlisted. Do I actually have a chance!? I'm guessing no, but this is my first choice.

Ithaca College
Communication Disorder/ Speech Pathologytion Disorder/ Speech Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Has anyone heard any information about their wait list process or the school in general? I've searched the entire website but I've only seen one acceptance off the wait list back in 2013.

University of Montana
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the poster asking about University of Montana, I haven't heard anything, however, last year Spring break was in early April and this year it starts Monday. Hopefully we will hear by Friday! Good luck!!!

Cleveland State University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the person with a 3.18 who posted that they got into Cleveland State--congrats! When did you get an email, what does your last name start with, and what was your major gpa? My stats are pretty similar to yours.

University of Missouri
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 143
GRE V 157
GRE AW 4.50
GPA 3.73
University Of Cincinatti
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the Cincinatti poster below - I'm in the same boat. I know some people who have received wait list notifications and some who have received acceptances but I have not received either. I don't know what that means but I don't think its good. :( I emailed again yesterday but I believe that they are on their spring break, so I'm not sure how long it could take to receive a reply. Good luck!

Eastern Washington University
CDDS Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language And Hearing Sciences Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 145
GRE V 150
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.50

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