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Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2023

Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 3 years of research. 1x paper, 1x conference presentation, 1x conference poster, and received 3x relatively prestigious research awards, 1x best of conference poster award. MIT was a reach regardless. One of the recommenders went to and worked at MIT for a period of time.

Added on February 15, 2023

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.95 PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Fuck you MIT elitist bastards, you haven't grown your student population for decades to remain exclusive.

Added on February 15, 2023

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Just got the email. This was expected as I never heard back about an interview, still pretty bummed.

Added on February 06, 2023

Rejected on 6 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.75 PhD

January 2023

Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Please ignore the status, anyone gets interview invite from MIT?

Added on January 18, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD

March 2022

Civil And Environmental Engineering - Structures, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology I am writing with an update as to the status of your application; your application was ranked highly, but was not selected in the first round of admissions, and therefore you are currently on our waitlist. PLEASE PLEASE REJECT your offer if you have other priority programs 😭 MIT is my top choice and I really want to make it. Crossing my fingers a miracle from god happens 🤞

Added on March 18, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International Masters
Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Hi guys, does anyone who is in the waitlist receive any updates from MIT EECS? Should we write an email to ask?

Added on March 12, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Dear {MyName}: Thank you for your interest in the Aeronautics and Astronautics graduate program at MIT. You clearly have many strengths, but unfortunately we cannot offer you admission to our department at this time. Our committee selects from a large and talented pool of applicants each year (this year fewer than 8% of applicants were admitted), and we are truly sorry that we cannot extend to you, and many other strong students, the invitation to study with us for September 2022. We wish you much success as you take the next steps in your studies and your career. Sincerely, Graduate Admissions Committee Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics MIT

Added on March 06, 2022

Rejected on 2 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 161 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.00 Masters
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Ignore waitlist. Has anyone gotten a decision this program yet, or know whether there were interviews this year? Thank you

Added on March 03, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 American Masters
Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology MIT is interested in military students and industry partnerships with commercial space. No one will come out and say it but if you don't fall into one of those two categories, your chances of acceptance are almost 0.

Added on March 03, 2022

Accepted on 25 Feb Fall 2022 American PhD
Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology General rejection via email. Thank you for your interest in the Aeronautics and Astronautics graduate program at MIT. You clearly have many strengths, but unfortunately we cannot offer you admission to our department at this time. Our committee selects from a large and talented pool of applicants each year (this year fewer than 8% of applicants were admitted), and we are truly sorry that we cannot extend to you, and many other strong students, the invitation to study with us for September 2022. We wish you much success as you take the next steps in your studies and your career.

Added on March 01, 2022

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.96 PhD

February 2022

Computational Science And Engineering (CSE), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Ignore WAITLIST. Any news from this master program? Thanks in advance

Added on February 25, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 3.5 years of experience in R&D in defense industry. 2 publications, international student. Message: Thank you for applying to the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT and thank you for your patience during this lengthy admissions process. Unfortunately, we are unable to admit you to our graduate program. This year we received a record number of applicants, but we were only able to admit approximately 1 in 10. As a result, we had to turn away hundreds of highly-qualified applicants. We truly wish you well in your future endeavors.

Added on February 19, 2022

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2022 International Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Thought I didn't stand a chance due to ug GPA, but thankfully not. For my stats: 3.83 MS gpa, US citizen, 3 pubs + 3 in review (4 1st author and 1 in a 40+ IF). Recs from 1 named prof, 1 MIT alum, and another tenured prof.

Added on February 15, 2022

Accepted on 15 Feb Fall 2022 American GRE 169 GRE V 162 GPA 3.50 PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Generic rejection. 2 first author pubs, 1 at a top IEEE journal. Presentation at IROS. 3 more paper under review/preparation. MS from good (R1) university in the US. 3 LoRs, 1 from a prominent faculty with extensive history of cooperation with MIT/Draper. 4.0 grad GPA, 3.8+ undergrad. Note to future international applicants of MIT or Stanford ME: minimize your expectations. You have to compete with Americans with NSF fellowships & many research or internship opportunities during their undergrad (including at MIT/Stanford itself), and with international applicants from the "right" universities or labs. And then IMO you need LORs from people strongly affiliated with MIT/Stanford. And even then you have to get very lucky still. If you look at member s of any lab, it's obvious that it's extremely rare for someone to get accepted without ticking all those boxes which are not really in our control in the end. And don't take their empty talk of "diversity of backgrounds" seriously.

Added on February 15, 2022

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2022 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Finally comes! Generic rejection. Thank you for applying to the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT and thank you for your patience during this lengthy admissions process. Unfortunately, we are unable to admit you to our graduate program. This year we received a record number of applicants, but we were only able to admit approximately 1 in 10. As a result, we had to turn away hundreds of highly-qualified applicants. We truly wish you well in your future endeavors.

Added on February 15, 2022

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2022 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 3 years robotics research experience with 2 published conference articles. For some reason MIT didn't receive my IELTS scores which may have played a part in the decision. No GRE as it wasn't necessary this year

Added on February 15, 2022

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2022 International PhD
Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Just got a waitlist from MIT EECS, saying the final decision might come in March. Anyone know how likely can be admitted?

Added on February 10, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International GPA 4.00 PhD

January 2022

Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Rejected through portal, generic message... whatever, I'm over all this. Literally have research and letters from MIT engineering profs but guess that means nothing.

Added on January 31, 2022

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2022 American PhD
Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Ignore the waitlist. MIT EECS only gives 1 round of offers, right? Anyone knows if they will release more rounds of offers?

Added on January 30, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) the second author on two publications ( impact factor 6.3 and 9.2) over 2 years of research experience 1 recommendation letter from research supervisor 2 from professors

Added on January 29, 2022

Rejected on 29 Jan Fall 2022 International GPA 4.00 PhD

Results 21 - 40 of 2244