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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2024

Aerospace Engineering, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) MSc in Aerospace Engineering

Added on March 14, 2024

Accepted on 20 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.95 Masters
Astronomy & Astrophysics, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) If you have a better option please reject their offer. Thank you! This is my last hope.

Added on March 14, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 PhD
Philosophy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on March 14, 2024

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.79 PhD
Data Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in ECE from a Tier-2 college in India. 2 years professional experience in a Data role. Was slightly disappointed with the result. Congratulations to the admitted folks!

Added on March 14, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 166 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.67 Masters
Physics And Astronomy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Been on the wait-list for three weeks, if you have a better option or other options please reject their offer. This is my only hope Thank you

Added on March 14, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International GPA 3.85 PhD
Health Behavior And Health Education, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Grad GPA 3.63, Undergrad GPA 2.81, 1 published, 2 RA experiences, No GRE. No interview

Added on March 14, 2024

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 3.63 PhD
User Experience Research And Design, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) I graduated from UofM couple of years ago. I did not submit GRE . I had 2 internships. I also did undergraduate research did for a couple years, I did a variety of extracurriculars and pursued an unrelated field for a couple of years

Added on March 13, 2024

Accepted on 13 Mar Fall 2024 American GRE 309 GPA 3.40 Masters
Data Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on March 13, 2024

Accepted on 13 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 3.92 Masters
Business And Economics, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Rejection by email

Added on March 13, 2024

Rejected on 13 Mar Fall 2024 American GRE 158 GRE V 162 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.80 PhD
Data Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) No GRE, 2 internships, 2 undergrad research

Added on March 13, 2024

Accepted on 13 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 4.00 Masters
Business Economics, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Those who had better offers, please decline ASAP. I really like the school.

Added on March 13, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International GRE 165 GRE V 154 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.94 PhD
Architecture, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) I was interviewed in February and received a rejection via email on 11th March.

Added on March 13, 2024

Rejected on 11 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 3.40 PhD
Data Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 3 years Data Analyst Exp

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 164 GPA 3.50 Masters
Construction Engineering And Management, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 4 years work experience.

Added on March 12, 2024

Accepted on 12 Mar Fall 2024 International GRE 169 GRE V 166 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.70 Masters
Astronomy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 American PhD
Astronomy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 American PhD
Astronomy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.76 PhD
Astronomy, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) No reply yet. Anyone who has any clue?

Added on March 12, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 Other PhD
Industrial And Systems Engineering, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) No interview, gpa is master

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 3.75 PhD
Earth And Environmental Sciences, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) This was a long shot for me anyway, the PI I spoke to said they were no longer going to take a student and I did not have meetings with the other PIs I applied to. I have another offer anyway, congrats to everyone who got in!

Added on March 12, 2024

Rejected on 12 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.36 PhD

Results 121 - 140 of 11826