Chemical Engineering, Stanford University A couple papers, experience with simulations
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanPhD
Computer Science, Stanford University So, Stanford sent out official emails at midnight? Cause 9 AM CST == Midnight Local Time Stanford (PST). This seems very weird so far as no other university in America has sent emails out of the 9 am to 5 pm work window.
Added on November 30, -0001
Computer Science, Stanford University AI lab. Received email from POI at 12:30 am Stanford time on Feb 11. For those saying professors don't send emails late at night, do you even do academic research? My acceptance email did not appear to be an automated email. Likely the professor manually sends each email (maybe 3-4 total), although they probably copy and paste a response. Congrats to all who were accepted.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanPhD
( ECE ) Electrical And Computer Engineering, Stanford University Yeah, got it to work as well. I also have the same issue that I can only schedule with two professors and the other one has empty slots. At least I managed to schedule time with the two POI's (which is what really matters).
Added on November 30, -0001
Epidemiology, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanPhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Stanford University Expected
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University 1 Rec from Stanford alumnus who was taught me kinematics. No publication, but plenty of research experience :/
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanGRE 163GRE V 160GRE AW 5.00GPA 3.64Masters
Computer Science, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, Stanford University if you don't have a super strong letter, i think you'll need 5 first-author top-tier publications to get in.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Management Science & Engineering (MS&E), Stanford University Click on the checklist button in the application
Added on November 30, -0001
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanGRE 167GRE V 165GRE AW 4.00GPA 3.70Masters
Bioengineering, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanGRE 168GRE V 166GRE AW 5.50GPA 3.73PhD
(EE) Electrical Engineering, Stanford University Department Fellowship
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 170GRE AW 4.00GPA 4.00PhD
Chemical Engineering, Stanford University First reject. Didn't get email, but decision posted on CollegeNet site. Wasn't very interested in going there anyway, so oh well.. sour grapes.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 163GRE AW 5.00GPA 3.70Masters
Management Science And Engineering (MS&E), Stanford University Poster Below: Congratulations!! What is your concentration?
Added on November 30, -0001
Computer Science, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 157GRE AW 3.50GPA 3.73PhD
(Social/Personality) Psychology, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
Philosophy, Stanford University
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanGRE 166GRE V 168GRE AW 5.00GPA 3.86PhD
Business - Organizational Behavior, Stanford University To the question below: Stanford OB has shortlisted 10 people, held all interviews last week, and they met this Monday to decide who to admit. I was one of the interviewees and got this information from LG. I haven’t heard back since, even though decisions have already been made by now, so I’m assuming it’s a reject/waitlist.