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Recent Graduate Admission Results April 2024

Counselling Psychology, McGill University Out-of-province domestic student. Didn't receive any emails to check the portal. Just happened to do so, and saw a rejection was posted. Congrats to all who got in!

Added on April 05, 2024

Rejected on 5 Apr Fall 2024 Other Masters
Statistics, University Of Pennsylvania Generic rejection, the odds were not in my favor. No research experience or publications. Currently employed full time as a statistician - might pursue a masters degree instead. Congrats to all who've been waitlisted and/or accepted!

Added on April 05, 2024

Rejected on 5 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
School-Clinical Psychology, Yeshiva University Previously on the waitlist since Mar 21. Good luck to all awaiting decisions on your programs

Added on April 05, 2024

Accepted on 5 Apr Fall 2024 American GRE 160 GPA 3.65 PsyD
Culture And Performance, University Of California Los Angeles had an interview back in january and had almost lost hope. no email yet, just happened to check portal. 1a/0w/9r/0p. this was my third choice! so happy!!! congrats to all.

Added on April 05, 2024

Accepted on 5 Apr Fall 2024 American GPA 4.00 PhD
East Asian Studies, University Of Oregon During the period between my undergraduate studies and this graduate application, I took a substantial break. It's worth noting that I already possess an MA from my undergraduate institution. Reflecting on my application process, I don't believe that having a graduate degree beforehand significantly contributed to my candidacy. Instead, I attribute the strength of my application to actively participating in conventions, presenting research, and networking, all of which enhanced my resume/CV.

Added on April 05, 2024

Accepted on 21 Feb Fall 2024 American GPA 3.50 Masters
Applied Physics, Northwestern University Hi. Please decline NU ASAP if you have better choices. This waitlist is my only hope as I have been rejected by all the other 8 programs I have applied......(It is such a big disaster this year) Thanks for your kind help.

Added on April 05, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 Other PhD
Information, University Of Toronto Moved off the waitlist. This is my 5th year applying to Phd programs, in the past all rejections aside from one failed waitlist from truly mediocre schools. My advice is to just keep going, no matter how sad and frustrating this process is. If you just keep trying and working your ass off revising your SOP and sample, you will find the right place and advisor for you. It took me forever, but I am glad it did because ended up in this incredible program with the perfect advisor for my research. Lots of tears, anger, and frustration over the years. Good luck to everyone else who has been through it. Try again and again and again and again.

Added on April 04, 2024

Accepted on 4 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
Political Science, Temple University As of today, nobody has accepted Temple's (funded!) offer for the Poli Sci Phd Program - if you plan on not going here, can you please let them know? Some of us actually have this as our first choice school and are languishing on the waitlist. Y'all aren't being the people Mr. Rogers thought you could be.

Added on April 04, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 American PhD
Environmental Health Sciences, University Of Massachusetts, Amherst Had an interview with the AdCom in January. "The faculty in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences have considered your application for admission to the Graduate School at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and have carefully evaluated all your supporting credentials. I regret to inform you, however, that they did not recommend your admission to the Doctor of Philosophy for the Fall 2024 semester. We receive many qualified applicants each year for a limited number of spaces. We appreciate the interest you have shown in the University of Massachusetts Amherst and wish you the best of luck as you continue your educational career."

Added on April 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.70 PhD
Philosophy, University Of Utah Hi everyone, since we only have eleven days until the acceptance deadline we should all help each other out and turn down any offers we won't accept and ask to be removed from any waitlists that we won't accept. I've turned down an offer, but I'm currently on six waitlists that I would accept prior to my current offers (I'm deciding between the two that I'm holding onto but will turn one of them down very soon). I am very stressed but if we all turn down the offers we don't want then we could start a chain reaction which could hopefully get a lot of people off of waitlists prior to the fifteenth. I, along with a lot of other people I'm guessing, really don't want to accept an offer on the fourteenth and hear back from a school that I'd prefer to go to on the fifteenth. Anyways, sorry for my rant, I'm sure you all understand. Regarding Utah, I was told that I was on the 'reserve list', or the hidden waitlist. So my odds don't look great there.

Added on April 03, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 American PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech The ME department accepted me 3 weeks ago. Still haven't received the official letter. They said all international applications go through "an audit" and it hasn't been completed yet in my case. Does anyone know how long this "audit" takes?

Added on April 03, 2024

Accepted on 15 Mar Fall 2024 International GRE 167 GRE V 154 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.50 PhD
Ethnomusicology, Indiana University Bloomington If you have a better offer, please decline this offer! My chances of being admitted to IU are high as I have been waitlisted. Wishing you all the best

Added on April 03, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 American PhD
Computer Science, Syracuse University I appreciate your interest in attending graduate school at Syracuse University. After careful review and evaluation of your qualifications, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to the Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. for Fall 2024 term. We received many outstanding applications, and the selection process was highly competitive. As such, please do not be disheartened by this decision, as it does not diminish the value of your accomplishments or potential. I encourage you to explore other opportunities and continue your pursuit of academic and professional growth. Indeed, many candidates who are not admitted are ultimately successful by finding another graduate program that is just the right the fit for them. Once again, I appreciate your interest in our Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D., and wish you all the best in your future academic and career endeavors.

Added on April 02, 2024

Rejected on 2 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.38 PhD
Philosophy, University Of Toledo Got an email from the grad director. Although stated multiple times on their website that almost all of their students receive assistantships, the email revealed that they will be giving out 0 assistantships. Their website directly contradicts their offer in every way.

Added on April 02, 2024

Accepted on 2 Apr Fall 2024 American GPA 3.70 Masters
Electrical And Computer Engineering, University Of Waterloo I am honestly shocked to get this decision because of two things: 1. I have good amount of work experience in reputed companies and tons of extracurricular. 2. The people who got in have less GPA and almost no work experience and no GRE. I noticed that the people who got in are the people who also applied to Co-Op but got rejected. So, it could be that? I don't know. I will never know. Congrats to all the successful applicants :)

Added on April 02, 2024

Rejected on 1 Apr Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 155 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.78 Masters
Clinical Psychology, Hofstra University I'm just wondering if anyone else has been waitlisted at the school and you are still waiting for an offer or rejection. And for those with offers, are you going to reject or attend? We are all waiting for you.

Added on April 02, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 Other PhD
Physics, North Carolina State University I don't feel sad because I have got admits from a couple of better universities. But this was one of my safe schools. I wonder whether admission into PhD Physics has become too competitive this year. Especially if you are not from CME (I am from CME). Applicants next year must be super-conservative while applying. And I also wonder why this is so. Physics has recently been suffering from a dearth of funds but it seems as if we have become poorer all of a sudden.

Added on April 02, 2024

Rejected on 2 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.56 PhD
Electrical Engineering, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign This semester we received a large number of applications for entry into our graduate program. Most of these applicants are well qualified for study and research at the graduate level. However, because of our limited instructional and research facilities we are not able to admit all qualified applicants. We regret to inform you that on the basis of the recommendation of the Graduate Admissions Committee, we are not able to offer you admission to our graduate program. We trust that you will find an alternative path to achieve your academic goals.

Added on April 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Apr Fall 2024 International PhD
Statistics, University Of Virginia Got an email from the program director. If you have received the offer, please decline it as soon as possible if you have chosen another institution. This program is my top choice. I wish you all a bright future!

Added on April 01, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Clinical Psychology, PGSP-Stanford Waitlisted after waiting months to hear back. This is my dream program, if you are planning on going elsewhere please notify them soon!! Congrats to everyone this cycle and good luck to all still waiting to hear.

Added on April 01, 2024

Wait listed Spring 2024 American PsyD

Results 81 - 100 of 24863