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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2009

Mechanical Engineering, University Of California, Berkeley (UCB) The admissions review process for the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program for Fall 2009 is nearly complete. Some areas are still in the process of making their final admissions decisions and all admissions decisions will be completed by March 27, 2009. Applicants will be notified of their admissions status via email soon after March 27, 2009. We appreciate your patience in the final stages of the admission process.

Added on March 17, 2009

Other Other Other
English, University Of Maryland Accepted 7; about 24 people on the waitlist. Would include 4 years of funding. I will be staying on the waitlist. Good luck to all.

Added on March 17, 2009

Wait listed American PhD
Sociology, Columbia Univ I emailed to the director of graduate studies and the professor replied that the department finished all the screening process two weeks ago and I am not the few(11/290) admitted applicant. Too bad!!!

Added on March 17, 2009

Rejected on 17 Mar International PhD
Journalism M.S, Columbia University Email to check the website and woohoo almost 4 months later surprise surprise. Good luck to you all

Added on March 17, 2009

Rejected on 17 Mar American Masters
Cinema And Media Studies, University Of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Phoned them today to find out what gives. They've already made decisions and notified the internal UCLA students and they're just now deliberating on the external candidates. Noncommittal on decision date, just said it should come this month ("What month is it? March?"). Gee, thanks for all the specifics!

Added on March 17, 2009

Other American PhD
Slavic Languages And Literatures, Yale University all expenses paid

Added on March 16, 2009

Interview American PhD
Political Science, Louisiana State University It would seem all successful applicants are admitted into the MA program. With normal progress, students proceed into the PhD program.

Added on March 16, 2009

Accepted on 16 Mar American Masters
MPP, University Of Chicago (Harris School) Thank you all for keep us posted...never believe a reputable univ. will cross its own deadline without any least we all paid application fee...

Added on March 16, 2009

Other International Masters
Classical And Near Eastern Studies, University Of Minnesota, Twin Cities To last poster for this program: I haven't heard anything yet either. I believe the University of Minnesota is on Spring Break from March 16th through the 20th, so we probably won't hear anything during this week at all.

Added on March 16, 2009

Other American PhD
3 M. Arch I (architecture), Harvard GSD with $$$. My dad says "I hope you don't become insufferable like all of the GSD grads I've ever met." Sorry, dad, too late.

Added on March 16, 2009

Accepted on 16 Mar American Masters
Applicable Maths, University Of Wisconsin, Madison They say over 400 people applied. This isn't going all to well for me I feel like other universities will reject as well

Added on March 16, 2009

Rejected on 25 Feb International PhD
EDIC, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL) Has anyone not yet heard from this program? Have all accepts been sent?

Added on March 16, 2009

Other Other PhD
Public Policy, University Of Chicago - Harris School To poster below: I've heard nothing today, and I venture to say no one else has - unless not one applicant on gradcafe got in. Frankly, I'm really unimpressed with the whole operation there. In addition to the frustration they're causing all of us now, I found them to be flaky very early on in the application process as well. Emails with legitimate questions about the program and the application process went unanswered; every time I called no one picked up; and it took them almost a month to update my application status. It's as if no one actually works there!

Added on March 16, 2009

Other American Masters
Philosophy, New School For Social Research Dr. Jay Bernstein left a message on my answering machine congratulating me on being accepted (there was also a follow-up email). No word, yet, on funding. I am considering 4 other offers, all fully funded, so I am eager to see what NSSR offers. Still, NSSR is a great place, and I am very delighted.

Added on March 16, 2009

Accepted on 17 Mar American PhD
Public Policy, University Of Chicago Same to the Wayne State Philosophy PhD admit. You're giving me hope that all is not lost at this late date! :)

Added on March 16, 2009

Other American Other
Public Policy, University Of Wisconsin, Madison Fellowship giving in-state tuition and stipend that covers all of that... very tempting

Added on March 16, 2009

Accepted on 12 Feb American Masters
Business Economics, Harvard Business School congrats to all admits

Added on March 15, 2009

Rejected on 14 Mar International PhD
Screenwriting, University Of Southern California (USC) Informed by staff that all acceptances had been mailed.

Added on March 15, 2009

Other American MFA
Religion / Religious Studies, Columbia GSAS No surprise there. Where all my religious studies rejects at?

Added on March 15, 2009

Rejected on 15 Mar American Masters
Government / Political Science, Columbia GSAS Maliciously left hanging a week after other rejections went out! To future applicants, take heed: Columbia may string some of you along, days, even weeks -- all the while giving obscure, even optimistic responses to your personal queries -- before delivering the final, perfunctory CHOP. WOE BETIDE THEM!

Added on March 15, 2009

Rejected on 15 Mar American PhD

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