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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2010

English, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Dear undergrad adviser- thank you SO much for encouraging me to apply to Penn. I would never even have considered it if you hadnt been all "oh give it a shot, your a great candidate" etc.

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar American GRE 420 GRE V 790 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.60 PhD
Classics, University Of Arizona I received an informal email from the graduate director saying to "expect good". Arizona's response to their 2009 survey on the Classical Journal's website indicates that they fully fund all of their students. So I guess that means I'm fully funded?

Added on March 05, 2010

Accepted on 1 Mar American Masters
Epidemiology, Brown University Graduate School What a surprise! Another rejection! Maybe I should have wasted my life away studying those assinine GRE vocab words. As we all know the GRE is best indicator for scholarly research!!!!!!

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
English, University Of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Maybe I just came late to the party, but in case anyone else is holding out hope, the English dept website says: "All applicants who were accepted into the PhD program and those on the PhD waitlist were already notified on February 26th. MA offers will be announced in early-mid March." Not even a short rejection letter or formal notification? Geez.

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Art History, University Of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Emailed the director of graduate studies directly since I have to respond to another school's offer by next week and got a very nice response back. Not at all surprised, but still a little disappointed :(

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar American GRE 680 GRE V 710 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.77 PhD
Mathematics, University Of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Emailed to check website. Not surprised at all, this being my 4th reject and 2nd in a day.

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar International PhD
American History, University Of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Email directing me to website. Not surprising at all given that PA had written earlier in the fall that she was not accepting students.

Added on March 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Chemical Engieenring, Universtity Of Michigan Ann Arbor "We hope to make all admission decisions by April 1, 2010."

Added on March 04, 2010

Wait listed International PhD
Sociology, Northwestern University I called the department to find out my application status since I STILL have no link on my application. The woman was very short with me and said I can only find out online and that all decisions will be posted "soon." I am very annoyed with this school... the least they could do is put the folks still waiting out of their misery. What's the hold up?!?!?!

Added on March 04, 2010

Other PhD
Computer Science, Dartmouth College Finally came up. Oh well. At least they weren't all like this

Added on March 04, 2010

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Computer Science, UW-Madison very sad, all failed , I think 10 fall's application is over, I lost my dream

Added on March 04, 2010

Rejected on 4 Mar International Masters
Comparative Studies In Discourse And Society, Ohio State This was a really insulting letter. "Your overall academic record is not competitive..." is an all around condescending way of dealing with applicants. I'm not foolish enough to believe that an application fee means admittance, but it should mean a little respect. Perhaps applicants would be more competitive if anyone could figure out what "comparative studies" is.

Added on March 04, 2010

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
TIES, MIT Sloan School Of Management like person below also feel less bad seeing rejection for poster who is in pretty much all other top program...still very sad though... :( :( :( now all my hope is on waitlist, pls if you are not accepting give your decision soon!!!

Added on March 04, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar International PhD
Math, University Of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) To the admit below: First of all congratulations. I have miswritten in the previos post. I wanted to ask your stats. Could you please share with us?

Added on March 03, 2010

Other Other PhD
Art History, University Of Delaware Two rejections down, two decisions to go. All this disappointment is certainly not helping me finish my MA thesis...

Added on March 03, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar American PhD
Economics, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor Email from Mary Braun. Family name starts with S. Fourth reject, given up all hopes.

Added on March 03, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar International PhD
Regional Studies: East Asia (RSEA), Harvard University Called into the department, and they said all offers had already been made.

Added on March 03, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar American Masters
Political Science, University Of Chicago Last one I hadn't heard back from, and it, like all the others, is a rejection. Guess I'd better start working on Statement of Purpose: Redux.

Added on March 03, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar American GRE 730 GRE V 710 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.70 PhD
American History, Cornell University I called the department: "All offers of admission have been sent out." Apparently you must seek out your rejection from there.

Added on March 03, 2010

Rejected on 3 Mar American PhD
Economics, University Of Maryland, College Park At this point, unfortunately, we cannot offer you financial aid. We have not, however, made all of our final decisions on financial aid. We have reviewed your record carefully and believe that there is some probability that we will eventually be able to offer you financial aid.

Added on March 03, 2010

Accepted on 3 Mar International PhD

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