History And Sociology Of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 80GRE V 90GRE AW 56.00GPA 3.77PhD
(Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
I am sorry to inform you that we cannot offer you admission to the Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science, PhD Program at the University of Pennsylvania for the Fall 2018 term.
The competition was highly intense this year, and there were many more highly qualified candidates than we had room to admit. Our decision reflects only the extraordinary range of talents represented in our applicant pool, and it is not a judgment about your own abilities or potential. We appreciate your interest in Penn Engineering and wish you success in all your future endeavors.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 168GRE V 154GRE AW 4.00Masters
Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov PhD
Computer Science And Engineering, University of Pennsylvania No funding.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania In 2005, U of Penn had 515 applicants to the CS PhD program and only took 21. Their acceptance rate is way lower than a lot of better schools. U Penn is simply a waste of the application fee. It's better to use that money on beer instead... or other schools. Just my opinion.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania No aid promised.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania No Financial Aid.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Political Science, University of Pennsylvania I had to email them for a status update as I hadn't heard anything from them despite the early application deadline (Dec. 15).
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanPhD
Materials Science & Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
Materials Science, University of Pennsylvania Full grad fellowship :)
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania f*** ivy, smoke weed
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov PhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania Called Michael Felker and he e-mailed me the decision.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanPhD
Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science And Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Admitted with financial aid!