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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2021

Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 25, 2021

Accepted on 25 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Any MIT admits in IR?

Added on February 24, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 24, 2021

Accepted on 24 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Just received the email. Subfield: comparative politics.

Added on February 24, 2021

Accepted on 24 Feb Fall 2021 International GRE 168 GRE V 168 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.82 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) thrilled

Added on February 24, 2021

Accepted on 24 Feb Fall 2021 GRE 167 GRE V 168 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.81 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 24, 2021

Accepted on 24 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: Can you please tell if you were accepted for the CS specialization or the EE specialization?

Added on February 24, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 Other PhD
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) I had 3 strong LoRs from professors in different institutions in the USA. I am currently doing a master's in a highly reputable University in Switzerland with excellent fellowship, I wrote a BS thesis, no publications, I am a Fulbright grantee. Strong essay, two internships in the USA. Exchange program abroad during my BS

Added on February 24, 2021

Accepted on 26 Jan Fall 2021 International GPA 3.71 PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: can u please name , which are these top tier schools. So that I know what chances I got

Added on February 22, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: No, I can assure you that if you have not received notification of waitlist, then at this point you are rejected :( everyone who has a chance of getting in has either been accepted or waitlisted already. The top-tier schools have already notified everyone of acceptance, as well as those who have been waitlisted.

Added on February 20, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: That's not true. It's not unusual for MIT to have a much smaller round later in February. Yes, the odds are even worse than they already were, but it is not hopeless.

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: If you haven't received an acceptance yet, you didn't get in. The acceptances were sent out in January. You'll probably receive an email in late February / early March to log-in to the application portal for admission decision (which will be a reject if you haven't heard anything by now).

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Computer Science, MIT Media Lab Sadge :{ "Thank you for your application to the graduate program in Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for Fall 2021. We regret that we are not able to offer you admission. We received more than 1100 applications and were able to admit less than 5%. In selecting so few from a large and talented group, we must turn down many qualified applicants. We wish you the best for your future plans. Program in Media Arts and Sciences"

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Did anybody hear from Media Lab yet?

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other Masters
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Anyone have any new from their POIs? I hate this waiting game

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 American PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Anyone knows when MIT is sending out their PhD application decisions? I really can't wait any longer lol

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 International PhD
Planetary Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Expected

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Social And Engineering Systems (SES), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: My interests line up with social networks. From my experience this cycle, the more interdisciplinary/'unusual' (in a good way!) a program is, the more likely interviews are to matter. For example, no straightCS programs I applied to interviewed me before being accepted. But every information science program had interviews. This is simply because the interdisciplinary/unusual programs are looking for a more niche person.

Added on February 17, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) I applied to Computational Science and Engineering PhD program with Mechanical Engineering home department. I have not yet heard back whether I've been accepted or rejected, so maybe there is still hope for acceptance. Perhaps I've been waitlisted.

Added on February 17, 2021

Other Fall 2021 American GRE 166 GRE V 163 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 4.00 PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Has anyone heard from computational biology group, Manolis Kellis or Regina Barzilay

Added on February 17, 2021

Other Fall 2021 International PhD

Results 161 - 180 of 1518