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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2021

Physics, Yale University HEP-ex, please reject offers if you can and dont want to go :)

Added on February 19, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 American PhD
Physics, Yale University

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American GPA 3.80 PhD
Physics, Yale University

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International GPA 3.86 PhD
Physics, Yale Universitye CMT

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Physics, Yale University Email to check portal

Added on February 19, 2021

Accepted on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Physics, Yale University I was totally not expecting this :O I'm so excited!!! AMO, 2 years of research experience, no publications, no previous interview.

Added on February 19, 2021

Accepted on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International GPA 3.80 PhD
Physics, Yale University

Added on February 19, 2021

Accepted on 19 Feb Fall 2021 PhD
Physics, Yale Oof

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Physics, Yale University No email notification. Lol. I am not going there anyways since I have a better offer.

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Physics, Yale University CME

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International GPA 3.84 PhD
Physics, Yale University HEP-ex...

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Physics, Yale University Interviewed in late Jan. this hurts:(

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Physics, Yale University Was one of the others who posted just a moment ago about the blank portal page. Just logged back in and saw they updated with rejection. No email yet. (Hep-ex, no interview) That is two rejections in one day - definitely hurts.

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American GPA 3.94 PhD
Physics, Yale University looked at the portal. usually rejection letter, too many applicants ... anyone who has an offer they will probably accept please consider withdrawing pending offers.

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Physics, Yale University HEP-ex. I'm the first poster below -- rejected via website. GLHF to everyone else! Kinda surprised, TBH, since my thesis adviser used to be at Yale before here.

Added on February 19, 2021

Rejected on 19 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Physics, Yale University I think they finalized! LOL I got a lot of rejection. I don't have any intimidation! I am so numb!

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 PhD
Physics, Yale University Oh weird - just went and checked and the portal is blank for me as well. This feels ominous. Fingers crossed for all of us.

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 American PhD
Physics, Yale University TTPB: Yeah the page is blank for me as well. And last year, they released their results on 19th Feb as well... fingers crossed

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Physics, Yale University Anyone else have their portal go blank today? Previously when I checked I saw a checklist of my submitted documents, now it's blank... The rumbling has started!

Added on February 19, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other PhD
Physics, Yale University TTPB: Had two interviews one with POI and another for physics I believe

Added on February 18, 2021

Other Fall 2021 PhD

Results 181 - 200 of 811