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Graduate School Admission Results

About 373 results

Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2023

Physics And Astronomy, ALL Why the hell I am not getting any results?? I just want to hear something. This wait is killing me; it's been almost two months and I still haven't heard from any school. (¬、¬) (⩺_⩹) (ᗒᗣᗕ) (ᗒᗣᗕ) (ᗒᗣᗕ)

Added on February 28, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
All, All Schools When will I also get offer

Added on February 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD

December 2022

All, All Remain informed about faculty by looking up THE SAFE FACULTY PROJECT to view reports or contribute your own.

Added on December 08, 2022

Accepted on 8 Dec Fall 2022 American PhD
All, All Remain informed about faculty:

Added on December 08, 2022

Accepted on 8 Dec Fall 2022 American PhD

April 2022

Economics, All not WL. Please turn down your offers so that waitlist can move. I'm so desperate.

Added on April 15, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All It's the last day of decisions! Congratulations to those who have been accepted at various programs! People on the waitlist, as myself, would really appreciate it if you could decline dominated offers ASAP and help make the waitlist move! Thanks in advance! And good luck to those on the waitlist! :)

Added on April 14, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All Hey everyone! Can we wait until 11:59 pm to accept an offer on April 15th? I am so worried about it.

Added on April 14, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All Desperately waiting for a miracle... Please reject your offers if you made your decision

Added on April 14, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, ALL Hey everyone! Do you think there is still some chance of admission from the waitlists? I am losing hope and still waiting a response from 5 schools I am waitlisted at...

Added on April 13, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All Congratulations to those who have been accepted at various programs! People on the waitlist, as myself, would really appreciate it if you could decline dominated offers and help make the waitlist move! Thanks in advance! And good luck to those on the waitlist! :)

Added on April 11, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, ALL Waitlists are not moving, at least not for me. Last 5 days but losing hope...

Added on April 11, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All It's the final week of decisions! Congratulations to those who have offers! Please let the wait-list move by declining dominated offers! Thank you in advance!

Added on April 11, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 Other PhD
Economics, All Hey friends, please help the WL move by declining your dominated offers! Thank you! Congratulations on getting these offers.

Added on April 09, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Economics, ALL Please Please Please do not hold to multiple offers and do not decide on April 15th. The deadlines for European institutions are usually sooner and your decisions will affect the future of many many international students.

Added on April 06, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Economics, All Ppl please let the waitlisted move forward.

Added on April 04, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Economics, All TPB about having nothing but WLs, I feel your stress but cannot help you. I am on the WL for a much better school and the remaining admits I have, I am indifferent to. I wish I could help you, but I can only do so after I hear from my WL, ir if I don't then I can only decide close to the deadline. Good luck pal.

Added on April 01, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Economics, All Congratulations to all who have received offers. As someone who have received nothing but a couple of waitlists, I plead you to reject your dominated offers ASAP. I know it's a very pivotal decision, and I respect the time and space required to settle on one. But it has been an excruciating and prolonged wait for many of us. I go to sleep everyday hoping that anyone can give me the chance to pursue a PhD (which is a gargantuan tasks when you come from a developing country). I wish you all the best of luck.

Added on April 01, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD

March 2022

Economics, All Ignore WL. Hey folks, anyone else having problems viewing comments? To TPostersB, thanks for rejecting your dominated offers

Added on March 30, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Finance, All PhD In Finance Program Pls decline the offer asap if you do not wanna join this program. No decline until 4/15. Many applicants on WL need the opportunity to be off.

Added on March 25, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD
Economics, All Pls does anyone know how we could see the comments within the posts below? If so, please create a new post bc I ll not be able to see it thx

Added on March 23, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International PhD

Results 21 - 40 of 373