Speech Language Pathology Graduate School Admission Results

About 24,094 results

School Program Added On Decision
University of South Carolina
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
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Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 147
GRE V 155
GRE AW 3.50
GPA 3.68
Vanderbilt University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 154
GRE V 159
GRE AW 5.00
GPA 3.95

I'm a little surprised, since I've already been published in a research journal, I had 5 strong LOR's and I'm in a ton of extracurriculars/volunteer work. But it's okay. I'm actually not upset - I pretty much decided on another school before hearing back from Vandy. Congrats to anyone who got in!

Syracuse University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
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Accepted on 30 Nov
University of South Florida
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
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Accepted on 30 Nov
GPA 3.30

I was accepted to the Consortium Program. I currently work in the schools and this is my third year applying. I was an officer of my local NSSLHA group, traveled to ASHA conferences, shadowed schools and rehab clinics SLP's, and continuously networked with professors. I love the field and am so beyond happy to finally be starting my graduate degree. All I have to say is keep working hard and don't give up, I almost did and I'm so glad I didn't. Good Luck!

New York University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the person who was just accepted to the online program, can you clarify how long it took for them to get back to you after they cleared/reviewed your application? Also, are you a summer or fall start? They haven't been able to "review" my application yet because they said their system has been going up and down with glitches this past week.

Western Washington University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov

Spent 100 bucks to apply and I had to call to find out about my status?! Good riddance.

Rush University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov
GPA 2.79

Well, can't say I'm surprised that I got denied into grad schools this time around. It seemed almost impossible to try and compile an outstanding CDCAS application when I already had so much going on with my schoolwork in undergrad. Anyways, for all the people like myself who are feeling down, just wanted to put it out there that Chicago Speech Therapy is hiring for people like us! I just interviewed and was BLOWN AWAY. I honestly would've never expected this opportunity to exist, especially because on their posting on indeed it was for an SLPA and I thought for sure I didn't have a chance without licensure. They do pediatric in-home therapy, but have three 'day' programs where kids come in and do language enrichment stuff. Super cool opportunity! Just thought I would share because it gave me hope and could really improve my odds for acceptance next year!

La Salle University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
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Accepted on 30 Nov

Grateful for the consideration, but I did decline the offer. Good luck to everyone applying!

Hofstra University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 149
GRE V 147
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.74
The University of Texas at Dallas
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 152
GRE V 167
GRE AW 5.00
GPA 3.61

Out-of-state applicant offered in-state tuition scholarship. 4.00 in COMD coursework, 3.61 overall. Solid work history, clinical experience, strong letters of rec.

William Paterson University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the William Paterson poster - I got that email too! It made my heart jump when I saw how short it was I automatically thought it was rejection! Did anyone who got accepted or waitlisted at WPU get a similar email before you got your admissions notification? Not sure if it's good news or just general.

Columbia College
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 149
GRE V 156
GRE AW 5.50
GPA 3.23
University of Georgia
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 147
GRE V 151
GRE AW 3.00
GPA 3.65

4.0 CSD GPA, lots of experience, great LOR. Out of state applicant and out of field applicant. Excited that I was even waitlisted, but really wanted to get in here since it is my #1 choice.

East Tennessee State University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 149
GRE V 152
GRE AW 4.50
GPA 3.54

Sent via an email with an attached letter. Was hoping for at least a waitlist given another score on here.

Abilene Christian University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
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Accepted on 30 Nov

acu dallas campus

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 144
GRE V 149
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.67

Accepted off the waitlist! Very excited, but I have already accepted an offer from another school, so I will probably be declining.

University of Central Florida
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Sorry, not an acceptance, but a question. Is the program really going to wait until the 15th to notify? I know there are other schools that want to know your decision (accept/decline) before that date. I guess I'm just bummed to know that I can't even consider it knowing how delayed it is.

University of Louisville
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
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Accepted on 30 Nov

Accepted off wait list! Is there an fb grp?

Loyola University Maryland
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Does anyone know how many students were accepted for this upcoming class?

Western Carolina University
Speech Language Pathology Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov

To he person who said they were accepted off the waitlist, when did you find out? I called the office and they said they aren't sending out second round acceptances until after April 16!

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