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Physics Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results April 2009

Physics, University Of British Columbia (UBC)

Added on April 20, 2009

Rejected on 20 Apr American PhD
Physics, Georgia Institute Of Technology

Added on April 20, 2009

Rejected on 20 Apr American PhD
Physics, Georgia Institue Of Technology

Added on April 20, 2009

Rejected on 20 Apr American PhD
Physics, California State University, Los Angeles Need to find a way to pay for this if attending!

Added on April 17, 2009

Accepted on 17 Apr American Masters
Physics, University Of Florida Got accepted off waitlist, not going though, haha

Added on April 15, 2009

Accepted on 14 Apr American PhD
Physics, University Of California, Irvine (UCI) ba

Added on April 15, 2009

Rejected on 14 Apr American PhD
Physics, University Of New Mexico I emailed them last week - I actually thought I was out of the running. Now can people pretty please send in their decisions so I can get off the wait list? >.<

Added on April 15, 2009

Wait listed American PhD
Physics, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) was on the waitlist

Added on April 15, 2009

Rejected on 15 Apr International PhD
Physics, McGill University

Added on April 15, 2009

Accepted on 9 Apr International PhD
Physics, University Of Iowa

Added on April 15, 2009

Accepted on 14 Apr International PhD
Physics, University Of Minnesota (UMN)

Added on April 15, 2009

Interview International PhD
Physics, University Of Florida

Added on April 15, 2009

Wait listed International PhD
Physics, Ohio State University (OSU)

Added on April 15, 2009

Interview International PhD
Physics, Harvard Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences Accepted off the wait list! Hooray!!!

Added on April 15, 2009

Accepted on 15 Apr American PhD
Physics, University Of Florida For pete's sake do your physics-brethren a favor and if already know you are not accepting let them know... Some of us are waitlisted

Added on April 10, 2009

Other American PhD
Physics, University Of Florida (Gainesville) Please, I am appealing to those who know for sure that they wont be Gators that is not to go Uni of Florida this year. Please please please, will you reply and let them know so we on the waitlist can also get something to look up to this fall. Pretty please with ur favorite food on top. Thanks a bunch

Added on April 10, 2009

Wait listed Other PhD
Physics, University Of Washington, Seattle Seriously? April 11th notification? Apparently there was an "email notification error".

Added on April 10, 2009

Rejected on 11 Apr American PhD
Physics, University Of Washington, Seattle

Added on April 09, 2009

Rejected on 9 Apr International PhD
Physics, University Of Florida (Gainesville) TA position, 21K

Added on April 09, 2009

Accepted on 9 May American PhD
Physics, Vanderbilt University Called for more information; informed of rejection

Added on April 09, 2009

Rejected on 9 Apr American PhD

Results 25421 - 25440 of 27171