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Northwestern University Graduate School Admission Results

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This page shows the recent graduate admission results for Northwestern University. These results automatically update with new admission results submissions, so you can check back to see when others have been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted to specific schools and programs.


Northwestern University, located in Evanston, Illinois, is a prestigious private research university renowned for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life. It is home to esteemed schools such as the Kellogg School of Management, the Pritzker School of Law, and the Feinberg School of Medicine, all of which are recognized for their cutting-edge research and professional training. Northwestern also boasts a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies and a commitment to fostering a collaborative and innovative educational environment.


The Northwestern University Graduate School Admission results for the past five years reflect a highly competitive environment with diverse outcomes across several programs. Economics saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Speech Language Pathology had both waitlisting and acceptance for Masters and PhD candidates, highlighting its competitive nature. Computer Science experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, pointing to its stringent criteria. Chemistry saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, underscoring its selective nature. Materials Science and Engineering reported both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, reflecting a balanced yet competitive program. Audiology saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Mechanical Engineering experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, highlighting its rigorous selection process. Political Science saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, reflecting its competitive nature. History had both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, pointing to its stringent criteria. Sociology reported both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Overall, these results suggest that while some programs offer hope through waitlist acceptances, others remain exceptionally competitive.

Recent Graduate Admission Results January 2009

Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University

Added on January 02, 2009

Interview American PhD

May 2008

Journalism, Northwestern University I was waitlisted, and I think I just got accepted for Winter admission...YAYYYY

Added on May 16, 2008

Accepted on 16 May American Masters
Journalism, M.S., Northwestern University waitlisted,,, then accepted for fall 2008.

Added on May 14, 2008

Accepted on 13 May International Masters
Journalism, Northwestern University was guaranteed admission for Winter and waitlisted for Fall but just found out I'm accepted for Fall quarter. woo hoo!

Added on May 06, 2008

Accepted on 6 May American Masters

April 2008

Journalism, Northwestern University to the person with the question below, i was offered a spot for this summer, with classes beginning June 21st. it's so soon, so i'm still holding out for a possible spot in the fall class--she said she'd let me know by may 15. if you're really itching to get into NW, you might want to write a letter explaining why this is your top choice school and what new things you've done since you applied (i didn't do this and got lucky with a call, but i did write a letter to columbia to hopefully get off their wait list). good luck!

Added on April 23, 2008

Accepted on 23 Apr American Masters
Journalism, Northwestern University Thanks for the reply! I did send in a letter a week ago along with another rec letter, so I guess we'll see what happens. Good luck on Columbia!

Added on April 23, 2008

Other American Masters
Journalism, Northwestern University just got off the waitlist at medill today and was offered a guaranteed spot starting in the summer (fall could still be a possibility, but that's another 2 weeks before confirmation). but the main question is this: NYU or Northwestern?? anybody with advice, please post.

Added on April 22, 2008

Accepted on 23 Apr American Masters
Journalism, Northwestern University For the wait listed person who just got into Medill: Did they offer you a spot for this summer or next summer? I'm still wait listed there and itching to get in (got rejected from NYU) :(

Added on April 22, 2008

Other American Masters
Theater - Directing, Northwestern University Has anyone heard from NU yet?

Added on April 19, 2008

Other American MFA
Electrical And Computer Engineering, Northwestern University

Added on April 17, 2008

Rejected on 17 Apr International PhD
Physics, Northwestern University

Added on April 15, 2008

Rejected on 15 Apr American PhD
Human Development, Northwestern University supposedly available since april 9th. no email..just checked website myself.

Added on April 15, 2008

Rejected on 16 Apr American PhD
Mathematics, Northwestern University Called to inquire about status. Secretary said something like: "I was told to send rejections out to everybody left, since we are done."

Added on April 15, 2008

Rejected on 15 Apr International PhD
Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University

Added on April 14, 2008

Rejected on 14 Apr International PhD
Computer Science, Northwestern University This is almost funny. A month ago I was offered funding and acceptance by a professor at this school but since I had no interest in working in his specialties I politely turned him down. Guess there were no other takers. Turned down by a school ranked 39th, accepted with huge fellowship at a school ranked 13th. Go figure.

Added on April 14, 2008

Rejected on 14 Apr American PhD
Computer Science, Northwestern University I regret to inform you that you have been denied admission for graduate study at Northwestern University.....sad :(

Added on April 13, 2008

Rejected on 13 Apr International Masters
Journalism, M.S., Northwestern University anyone declining?? please post!

Added on April 13, 2008

Wait listed American Masters
Industrial Engineering And Management Sciences, Northwestern University No aid for first year... sigh... 4th pure AD from top5 this year..

Added on April 12, 2008

Accepted on 9 Apr International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Northwestern University

Added on April 11, 2008

Rejected on 10 Apr International PhD
Computer Science, Northwestern University

Added on April 10, 2008

Rejected on 10 Apr International PhD

Results 9981 - 10000 of 10600