Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- George Washington University
- Program
- Clinical Psychology
- Degree Type
- PsyD
- Degree's Country of Origin
- American
- Decision
- Rejected
- Notification
- on 14/01/2025 via Website
- Undergrad GPA
- 4.00
GRE General: 0
GRE Verbal: 0
Analytical Writing: 0.00
- Notes
- Not even the courtesy of an email to notify me of my rejection. 4.0 GPA undergrad and master’s, 3 years post-bacc research experience, 1.5 years clinical, 4 publications, 5 conference presentations, and several additional publications in the works. Saving myself the time, effort, money, and annoyance of writing essay responses to absurd prompts next year and not applying here again.
Received notification of Rejection