Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- Stanford University
- Program
- Electrical Engineering
- Degree Type
- PhD
- Degree's Country of Origin
- International
- Decision
- Interview
- Notification
- on 30/11/-0001 via E-mail
- Undergrad GPA
- 0.00
GRE General: 0
GRE Verbal: 0
Analytical Writing: 0.00
- Notes
- Thank you for applying to the PhD program in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University! As one of our strongest applicants, our Graduate Admissions Commitee would like to learn more about you during our interview period taking place between January 17th-25th. Please provide your contact information and sign up for Skype/phone interview times with pre-selected faculty using the link and credentials below: Sign-Up Deadline: Tuesday, January 14th, 11:59 pm PST If you do not sign up by the deadline, you will automatically be assigned to an available time slot for each faculty member. After you choose your interview appointments you will be able to send them as an email, add them to Google calendar, or download an iCal/Outlook .ics with the full appointment schedule. Please note that all times on the website are given in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00). As faculty have already commited to the time slots listed on the website, please make your best efforts to sign up for one of the provided times.
Received notification of Interview