Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- Harvard University (SEAS)
- Program
- Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Type
- PhD
- Degree's Country of Origin
- International
- Decision
- Rejected
- Notification
- on 30/11/-0001 via Website
- Undergrad GPA
- 0.00
GRE General: 164
GRE Verbal: 147
Analytical Writing: 3.50
- Notes
- Being rejected from Harvard and MIT in the same day... ** pros: * 1 patent, 4 journal papers, and over 6 conference presentations in my 6 years of research experience; I'm 25 yo. * three internships and two TA experiences. * doing my master thesis at Harvard University. * MSc from two EU universities (Erasmus Mundus) by the end of this year. * full scholarship for my master's degree and some other awards. ** cons: * mediocre marks in my MSc and undergrad studies * bad GRE scores. * outdated TOEFL ! why did I apply? :P congrats to does who got admitted :)
Received notification of Rejection