Submit Your Results

Please help by following the instructions. DO NOT put your degree type in the "Program" field. If you could spend 15 extra seconds in submitting your info, we’d very much appreciate it. Thank you! :)
* These fields are mandatory.

School *

If your school does not appear in the drop down, please enter its full name. Thanks!

Program *

Example: Computer Science; Do not put the degree type first!
(Computer Science = Good, Masters of Computer Science = Bad)

Degree Type *

What type of degree?

Admit Season *

When do you hope to start your program?

Your Status

Tell us where you are from AND where your highest degree is from.
(i.e. the one you will have BEFORE going to grad school).

Notification *

Method of Notification *

Date of Notification *

Example: 02/13/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Email *

Note: Your email address will remain anonymous to other site visitors

Stats (Optional)

Please help other grad students by posting your text results and GPA; all submissions are anonymous.


Notice: if you put a long comment, you stand a high chance of it being edited. Use the forum for discussion.

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Please only click once.

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