Library And Information Science, The University of British Columbia
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanGPA 3.95Masters
(Computer Science, The University of British Columbia Had one reference un-submitted by the time of notification.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov OtherMasters
Anything, Economics, Computer Science, Philosophy, The University of British Columbia Hi everyone, I received my funding package and found it to be quite low. I got 28K year 1 and 24K year 2-4 and 22K year 5 and I need to pay tuition with that funding. I don't imagine this will be good enough to live in Vancouver. Did anyone get a different funding package? Included recently searched programs, would love to hear from anyone!
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Computer Science, The University of British Columbia Would have been too good to be true. Guess I should have applied for MEng.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGPA 3.65Masters
(Computer Science, Columbia University (Fu Foundation) So sad, but expected
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
(Computer Science), The University of British Columbia Contacted admission department. They said they will soon finalize their class and let the decisions out soon. They mentioned this happens by the end of April. So I guess wait is going to be over anytime! Good luck!
Added on November 30, -0001
(Computer Science ) General, Columbia University (FFSEAS) Anyone know when will they give final decisions? It has been too long. What are they doing right now
Added on November 30, -0001
OtherInternationalGRE 169GRE V 161GRE AW 3.50GPA 3.89Masters
Management Science And Engineering (MS&E), Columbia University (Fu Foundation School Of Engineering)
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 155GRE AW 4.00GPA 3.93Masters
Environmental Health Science, Columbia University - Mailman School Of Public Health Just got it today! My top choice!
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 157GRE AW 4.00GPA 3.80Masters
Data Science, The University of British Columbia To the poster below: Congrats on the admit - Did you get an admit from the Vancouver or Okanagan Campus?
Added on November 30, -0001
Computer Science, The University of British Columbia
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
Master Of Science Urban Planning, GSAPP Columbia University My dream school. For my fellow applicants who get admitted and don't want to attend, please turn down the offer asap.
Added on November 30, -0001
Wait listedInternationalMasters
Computer Science, The University of British Columbia
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalMasters
Comparative Government, Political Science, The University of British Columbia Pretty crushed. Thought I was a strong applicant.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalPhD
Deparment Of Political Science, Columbia University (GSAS) Got rejected from the PhD (posted this earlier) and accepted to MA. Funding is hazy at the moment but will most likely accept this.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov AmericanMasters
(Computer Science ), The University of British Columbia Full-year internship experience, research experience but not publication. Top Canadian uni.
Added on November 30, -0001
on 30 Nov InternationalGRE 170GRE V 157GRE AW 3.50GPA 3.75Masters
Earth Science, Columbia International University Received a call at 2:14 PM today! A total of 65k a year funding (GUARANTEED): Desmond P. Longefellow distinction; Edward K. Merton financial scholar; tuition waiver + teaching assistantship. Unbelievable, I'm in tears. Last year I was rejected everywhere.