Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate School Admission Results

About 9,554 results

This page shows the recent graduate admission results for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These results automatically update with new admission results submissions, so you can check back to see when others have been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted to specific schools and programs.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a world-renowned private research university known for its exceptional focus on science, engineering, and technological innovation. It boasts prestigious programs across schools such as ... the School of Engineering, the Sloan School of Management, and the School of Science, all of which are celebrated for their groundbreaking research and academic rigor. MIT's commitment to fostering a collaborative and entrepreneurial environment has led to numerous advancements and startups, reinforcing its reputation as a global leader in technology and innovation.


The MIT Graduate School Admission results for the past five years reflect a highly competitive environment with diverse outcomes across several programs. Computer Science saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program, with multiple rejections pointing to stringent criteria and several interview opportunities highlighting its competitive nature. Mechanical Engineering had both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, reflecting its rigorous selection process. Physics saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, underscoring its selective nature. Chemistry experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, highlighting its competitive standards. Chemical Engineering reported both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, indicating a balanced yet selective program. EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, reflecting its stringent criteria. Economics experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, highlighting its competitive nature. Political Science saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Materials Science and Engineering had both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, reflecting its rigorous selection process. Architecture saw both waitlisting and acceptance for Masters and PhD candidates, highlighting its competitive standards. Overall, these results suggest that while some programs offer hope through waitlist acceptances, others remain exceptionally competitive.

School Program Added On Decision
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
CMS/W Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov

2nd time in a row. Should I take a hint already? :(

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mechanical Engineering Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 170
GRE V 158
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.99

Expected! Honestly I'm glad there's one less school to worry about!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brain And Cognitive Sciences PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 169
GRE V 154
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.84
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Media Lab PhD
November 30, -0001
Interview on 30 Nov
Total comments
Interview on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Biology PhD
November 30, -0001
Interview on 30 Nov
Total comments
Interview on 30 Nov
GPA 3.96
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Biology PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov

Generic email. Good luck to those who received interview invites!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computer Science PhD
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To MIT admit posts: were any of you in Robotics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 157
GPA 4.00

Thank you for applying to the Ph.D. program in Economics. We have received a large number of applications from highly promising candidates and have carefully reviewed all of these applications. We have admitted a limited number of applicants to our program. We regret to inform you that your application was not selected. Although we could not admit you to our program, we believe that you will have excellent offers from other schools. Thank you again for your consideration, and we wish you success in your future plans! The Graduate Admissions Committee MIT Department of Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Architecture Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Accepted DUSP PhD below - which discipline group? were you interviewed?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master Of Engineering In Advanced Manufacturing And Design Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Hi Josh, by saying Amy you mean Amy Shea-Slattery, right? AFAIK she is responsible for admissions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, to which the MEngM program belongs. Probably she meant that official offers will be sent out at the end of the month. Jose said end of this week (probably Monday or Tuesday will finally be the case), I suppose he meant the guys who are offered admission will receive an unofficial notification mail from him and the official department letter will come later.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Earth, Atmospheric, And Planetary Sciences PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Finance PhD
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Thank you for the information. I appreciate your response. Good luck with your outstanding applications.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computational And Systems Biology (CSB) PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov

only accept 6-8 per year (220+ applications)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Biological Engineering PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physics PhD
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Political Science PhD
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 167
GRE V 162
GRE AW 6.00
GPA 3.96

Email from POI. So stoked!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Biological Engineering PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (EECS) PhD
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 170
GRE V 162
GRE AW 3.00
GPA 3.98

No interview. 1 first author conference paper, 2 second author conference papers under review. Area: Circuit Design

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